Friday, March 5, 2010

congrats !

JUNiORS ! - a job well done :D

Wew, we prepared for three days and we just presented it in 7-10 minutes .. but it's fine :) it had a great effect anyways, we had a quite nice score . after the presentation I hanged out with my friends and danced some Korean songs that we liked then our school mates(third year boys from the other section) asked if they could use our classroom as their practice area. These boys were dancing the JABBAWOCKEEZ dance, they were pissed off by the lower level's boy dance group which dances CRUMPiNG so they decided to dance an iSOLATiON. They also said that they would be called the, DAVAOWOCKEEZ. They were so adorable ^^ - proud ..

when I went home, me and my mom went to our church for a joint worship service, then after .. we ate and chatted for a little while then after, we went home . at our way home, I saw this group of cool cars passing by .. there were I think 5 of them .. I would describe those cars as cars like in the movie fast and the furious and I think that they have the same business too .. after some minutes after the cars arrived, a man in skates suddenly appeared(i think that was their runner or whatever) I was thinking that they might be having DRAG RACING or illegal car racing which usually happens at night(since there are lesser streets who has traffic aids) then I thought that there's a very big possibility that these people might harm themselves and even other people and it is iLLEGAL. I hope they would realize that what they were doing was wrong. :|


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